"Ligonier Ministries exists to proclaim, teach, and defend the holiness of God in all its fullness to as many people as possible. To that end, Ligonier's outreach today is manifold and worldwide. Founded by Dr. R.C. Sproul in 1971, our teaching fellowship consists of theologians, pastors, and scholars who teach through Renewing Your Mind broadcasts, Tabletalk magazine, books, and hundreds of video teaching series. In addition, we host conferences, publish the Reformation Study Bible, and make available thousands of unique resources online at Ligonier.org."
- Ligonier Ministries Canada

If you are looking for some great resources to help and guide you through your Christian walk, check out Ligionier Ministries.

In October 2021, the Christian Medical and Dental Association of Canada, St. Andrew’s Moncton and the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada co-sponsored a conference for Healthcare professionals on the topic of a “Christian Response to Medical Assistance in Dying.” Larry Worthen, Executive Director of CMDA Canada and David Guretzki of the EFC were two of the speakers at the conference.  You will find their presentations below. 

Larry Worthen, Executive Director of the CMDA:

David Guretzki, Executive Vice-President and Resident Theologian of the EFC:

The New City Catechism offers great resources for children and adults alike. This resource is regularly used in our ministries to children here at St. Andrew's. Check out The New City Catechism.

"Uniting Evangelicals to Bless Canada in the Name of Jesus.The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (l’Alliance évangélique du Canada) is the national association of evangelical Christians in Canada. Since 1964 the EFC has provided a national forum for Evangelicals, fostered ministry partnerships, conducted research on religious and social trends and provided a constructive voice for biblical principles in life and society." - The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada

The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada offers phenomenal resources for families, conscientious health professionals, and those seeking to care for the vulnerable. Explore their website at The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada.

The mission of Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA) as stated on their website is: "CMDA Canada exists to engage, encourage, and equip Christian doctors and dentists to glorify God by integrating faith in practice." Visit their website here: Christian Medical and Dental Association.