St.And Youth is for youth in grades 6 to 12.

We regularly meet Sunday evenings from 6:00pm – 8:00pm at the church building (77 Hildegard Drive, Moncton NB).

If you are attending for the first time, please contact Melissa at to verify and get a detailed schedule.

We would love to have you join us!

Hello, St.And families! 

Hello, mentors! 

Hello, other friends who might want to be in the know about this event for building usage/church purposes.  

Please RSVP to the following St.And event (for youth in Grade 6 - Grade 12) by Thursday evening. Details ahead.

Mentors and parents—if you would be able and willing to help with drives to this event, please let me know how many YOUTH will fit in your vehicle

I realize this is double booked with the congregational Sleigh Ride Event, so if you are planning to attend that, we understand


This Sunday afternoon, February 16, we will have our sledding event at Fort Beausejour. Afterwards, we will go to the Hols' home (very close to Fort Beausejour) for hot chocolate and board games.  

Note: Family Day is the next day, so it is a stat holiday. 

Details of the Event

If you have any questions or comments, please let me know

Thank you to the Hols for hosting this event!
