Past Events


Rev. J. Sheldon MacLeod


Connecting with Faith, Family and the Familiar

Congregational Retreat

Join us for a weekend at the Camp! 

Prices (taxes included):
Family $ 230.00, Couple $ 172.50, Single $ 103.50
Day pass:
Family $ 81.25, Couple $ 69.00, Single $ 46.00

Payment upon registration at the church office by August 28th via cash, check, or e-Transfer to Please mark it 'Camp Wildwood'.



                  Welcome and registration 

                  Intro to theme sessions

                  Snacks, games, etc.


                  Devotions and breakfast

                  Theme session #1 

                  Family time & soccer baseball 

                  Devotions and lunch 

                  Family time & pool, canoes, 

                                    kayaks, rock climbing

                  Theme session #2 

                  Devotions and supper 

                  Family time & camp fire 


                  Adult game night 


                  Devotions & breakfast 


                  Family time & scavenger hunt 

                  Devotions and lunch 


About the Retreat

419 Sheridan Rd, McKees Mills, NB
Camp Wildwood is located 50 Km from Moncton. 

Take Route 11, Exit 29 and follow the signs to the camp or take the Irishtown Road through Notre Dame, St. Antoine, McKee’s Mills, and the Sheridan Road to camp.

We are delighted you are able to join with your St. Andrew's family in a Christian camp environment, and
trust you will be blessed as we
seek to build friendships.

We encourage you to participate in the various events and activities to the fullest extent possible.

Our objective is to make each aspect of the retreat family-friendly and intergenerational.

What to Bring

- Personal clothing

- Suitable footwear 

- Personal toilet items (soap,

    toothbrush, toothpaste, 

    towels, facecloth, etc.)

- Bible

- Notebook

- Pen/pencil

- Pillow

- Sleeping bag or bedding 

- Raingear

- Bathing suit

- Sunscreen

- Bug repellent 

- Board games 

- Puzzles

- Flashlight


Each family or couple will have a cabin equipped with bunkbeds, and a bathroom complete with a shower for two nights.

NB: Not all cabins have washrooms.

All meals, snacks, beverages and activities are provided by the camp Wildwood Staff and are included in the price.

Let us know if you have any allergies or if you need financial assistance.

Vacation Bible School

VBS 2024, July 15-19, 9am-12pm, at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
(77 Hildegard Dr., Moncton - NB) for children who will be entering grade K to entering grade 5.

Please pray for our adult leaders, youth-aged leaders and the children participating as they hear and experience the Good News!

This annual event is called Kidz Fest.

Keep an eye out to participate in summer 2025.

Annual Cookout BBQ

This is a free event for our church family so, whether you call it a BBQ or a cookout, you are invited to join us!

Immediately following worship service (at 10 AM) our church is hosting its annual cookout (BBQ) lunch.

Please bring your own lawn chairs although we will have chairs from inside brought out for use.  

Let's all pray for great weather and enjoy fellowship before some of us go away for summer plans.

Newcomer’s gathering 

The Outreach Team welcomes you to join us for a Beach and BBQ event at Fern Dupuis' home in Grand Barachois.
This event includes an opportunity for us to do lawn games, visit the beach (10 min walk away) and enjoy a BBQ dinner together.
Registration is limited to those who are new to St. Andrew's and have not attended this event before - MAX 50 people.
Please register below indicating how many people you intend to bring with you and their names.
We'd also like to know if you need a ride or can drive someone and if you have any allergies. See you there!

Presbytery Meeting (at the church)

On Saturday, May 25th, 10am, the Presbytery of New Brunswick is having a meeting at our church location. 

We encourage everyone to attend and support our church.

Over the course of the next few weeks, our Session will prayerfully select seven honoured individuals who will have the opportunity to speak on the congregation's behalf.  

With regards to our congregation departing from the Presbyterian Church in Canada (PCC), the Presbytery will want to hear the thoughts of these seven delegates. 

Please pray for our church. 

May the light of Jesus Christ shine at this time, and we pray for God's sovereign favour!

Community Breakfast

Join us for a delicious community breakfast during the fall and winter, and may extend into early spring, on the first Saturday of each month from 8:30am to 11am.

Inflation is going up, but our prices aren't! Cost: $10 for adults, $25/family (3-4) and $30/family (4+), children 6 years old and younger - free.

Congregational Event

Weather Permitting - Sleigh ride at the Rotary Park in Dieppe on Sunday, March 3rd @ 3 pm - NEW START TIME - (weather and time slots permitting).  Everyone is invited, more details to come!  Please sign-up by clicking the button below, which takes you to a sign-up form.